Witnessing to Jesus Christ in the Benarty Community

Category: Invitation

Special Gospel Meetings in the Tent

Every household in the area will be receiving an invite over the next week or so to our planned series of Gospel Meetings to be held in a marquee at the Milton just off Park Street in Crosshill. You will be able to get directions from the map below. If you can only see a red marker just click on the minus sign in the bottom left hand corner until you get a useful view!

The meetings are planned to start at 8pm each night from Sunday through to Thursday for three weeks starting Sunday 14th August. The meeting will last for forty-five minutes, there’s no collection taken and you don’t need to dress up to come! We really hope that the community will take up this opportunity and come along to hear about God’s way of salvation.

Hope to see you there.

The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

For anyone with an interest in getting a deeper understanding of the Word of God, you are very welcome to join us any Friday night over the next few weeks at 8pm where Craig Munro will be looking at the subject of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness as recorded in the latter part of the book of Exodus.

For full details of the meetings please refer to our diary. If you open up the link and then click on any of the Friday night meetings you will get full details of the subjects being taken up on each night.


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