As many of the friends of Glencraig Gospel Hall will be aware, we would normally have a conference for Bible teaching on the last day of the year. In recent years this has been held in the Rothes Halls in Glenrothes. Naturally, this year we are unable to hold this long-standing event. Instead, we held a virtual Bible teaching meeting using the Periscope app. If you missed the live broadcast you are very welcome to catch up on our Periscope channel.
Category: Periscope
Please note that, Lord willing, we plan to extend the Sunday night drive-in meetings through the month of October at the same venue, Lochore Meadows Country Park. As a concession to the darker evenings, however, we will be moving to an earlier starting time of 4pm. All other details remain as before.
For access details, you can find us on Google Maps using the embedded map below. Thanks to whoever has added this.
Due to the atrocious weather of storm Francis we have decided to cancel the drive in meeting tonight (Tuesday, 25 August). We hope to be back tomorrow night at 7.30 pm, God willing. If there is any alteration to this we will put an update here and on our Facebook site. Please spread the Word!
The first of the drive-in gospel meetings at Lochore Meadows took place this evening. If you didn’t manage to join us you can hear the message on our Periscope site.
It has been a long time! For months we have not been able to have any services in the Glencraig Gospel Hall. While we are now able to meet at the hall there is a cap of 50 people maximum. Knowing that many of you want to attend a Christian service we have created a drive-in service at Lochore Meadows Country Park. This short service will take place each Sunday throughout August and September at 6.30 p.m. starting Sunday August 2.
A ‘drive in service’ means what it says. You drive in at the main entrance to the Country Park from the Crosshill side. The site we have been allocated lies just beyond Lochore Castle. You will be directed to a place by a steward and will stay in your car and listen to the service via loud speakers. Cars will be well separated and social distancing measures will be in place to help prevent spread of the Coronavirus. There will be no requirement to say who you are for ‘track and trace’ however, as it is not in a public building – you can be anonymous if you wish!
We do hope that after this long period of isolation you will join us. We believe that the message of the Bible is so relevant to our lives and particularly in our context just now. It provides the answers to our deepest questions. We are looking forward to welcoming all who can manage along.
If you or a friend can’t make it on the day, we will be trying to do a live broadcast via Periscope. You can follow this at
Click below to view the recording of our live Gospel broadcast that finished a few minutes ago. If you would like to join us live any Sunday night at 6.30pm during the Coronovirus lock-down, then go to and click to start the live broadcast. If it hasn’t started when you join you may need to refresh your screen.
You can also download the Periscope app on your smart phone and follow @GlencraigGH to get a notification when a live broadcast commences.
Here is the latest of our virtual gospel meetings.
To see all of our public broadcast on Periscope and a number of YouTube Bible Teaching videos go to the Videos section of this site.
See below for the first of our Gospel Messages broadcast this evening on Periscope.