For the first time ever, the Gospel Hall took a stand at the Benarty Gala Day. Many thanks to all who dropped by for a chat. Our John 3.16 tote bags certainly seemed to be popular – there were around 800 given out over the course of the afternoon and they seemed to be everywhere!
Don’t be deceived by the blue skies in the photos though. It started to pour around 3pm – but a great day and everyone seemed to enjoy it.
If you missed the opportunity for free literature get in touch with us through the Contact Us section of the website or pop into the Hall any Sunday night around 6.30 when we have our Gospel Service.
Thanks also go to Graham Patterson from Gospel on the Go who brought along his trailer, which was in danger of making us look professional.
Thanks too to the conveners of the Benarty Gala day for giving us a great pitch ringside.