Witnessing to Jesus Christ in the Benarty Community

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What is Man?

David Weir’s ongoing series looking at the constitution of mankind from a Biblical perspective is now available on the Glencraig Gospel Hall website. Further meetings will be added as the occur.

Click here to access.

Summer Drive-In Meetings

Following the good response to the drive-in meetings at Lochore Meadows during lockdown, we are delighted to confirm that we plan to hold similar meetings during the Summer months this year.

From Sunday 4th June until Sunday 28th August, there will be a drive-in meeting at 6:30pm every Sunday night with 3 exceptions (noted below). We are very grateful to the park management for granting access to the same site as we used last year and look forward to welcoming you back to these meetings. The map below shows the location.

There are three Sundays that we will not be able to get the use of the park, these are:

  • 26 June – Benarty Gala Day
  • 24 July – Classic car rally
  • 14 August – ‘Bark in the Park’

All arrangements are made subject to the will of God.

Friday Night Meetings

Many thanks to all those who supported our short series of Friday night meetings in February. Craig Munro took us through 3 of the ‘laws’ in the Old Testament – The Law of the Nazarite, The Law of the Leper and The Law of the Red Heifer.

If you were not able to join us you may be interested to watch the videos on YouTube. You can find the links here. Please note that you may need to turn your volume up for the second broadcast – a minor technical hitch!

Conference 2021 Cancelled

We are very sorry to inform everyone that following the changes to the Covid Regulations announced by the Scottish Government today (21 December 2021), the venue for our conference has advised us that they are no longer able to accommodate us.

Following careful consideration we have concluded that it is not possible to re-organise the conference in an alternative venue while maintaining control over the numbers attending within the new limit of 200 people and with social distancing. We have reluctantly decided therefore that the conference this year has to be cancelled.

We appreciate that this will be a disappointment to many and that some have travel arrangements already made. As recently as last weekend the venue management were still of the view that the event could continue. The changes made today mean that they have taken the decision to cancel all events as 200 is not a viable number for them. We can only say that the Lord knows best.

And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

Isaiah 30.21

Almost Back to Normal

Please note that from Sunday 2 October 2021 we have recommenced holding a weekly gospel meeting in the gospel hall at 6.30pm every Sunday night. Although Social distancing is no longer a legal requirement, we have spaced our seating more widely than previously and ask all who attend to observe reasonable precautions. We are still required to wear a face-mask (except those who are medically exempt) even for singing and would ask for your cooperation with this.

We look forward to welcoming you back to our weekly services!

Move to YouTube

At the end of last year those of you using the Periscope app to access our Gospel broadcasts will have started to receive a note that the app will be discontinued from the end of March 2021. So far as we know, all of our previous videos will remain available at www.pscp.tv/GlencraigGH. Future broadcasts from Sunday 24 January 2021 will, God willing, be broadcast via our YouTube Live channel. You should be able to access this at www.youtube.com/channel/UC0zBqOmSnnsCjKIRgd9e7SQ/live.

A Wonderful Time of the Year?

So many of us have had our plans for the Christmas holidays disrupted this year. From optimism only a couple of weeks ago about licensing of vaccines and the promise of a bit of relaxation from all the Covid-19 rules, we are back into something that looks so close to lockdown as to make little difference.

Thoughts of enjoying Christmas with family and friends have had to be hurriedly amended, for some a cause of real anguish and serious mental distress. All in all this has been a difficult year and it could easily get us down as we grind towards its conclusion, even if we manage to do so tucking into a Covid-responsible Christmas dinner.

I wonder though, whether a quieter time over the Christmas period might give us all a bit more time to reflect on what it is all about. At some level I think we all know that Christmas is not really about boozy office parties or a frank exchange of brexit opinions over the turkey with Aunty Agnes.

So what is it all about? Does it really matter? Should we just treat it as one huge social and commercial hoopla or is there a serious truth behind the Christmas story that it is still worth getting hold of? I truly believe that there is. The basic facts of the story are still reasonably well known even in a largely secular country. The stable, the shepherds and the wise-men remain staples of school nativity plays and Christmas cards, even if the former have been severely curtailed this year. But for many people it means no more to them than stories of Santa, elves and Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life

John 3:16, the bible

What you think about Santa, etc is really of no consequence. What you think about the baby in the manger is of fundamental importance. The verse quoted above was written by a man who personally knew Jesus of Nazareth and His mother, Mary. John’s history of the Lord Jesus’ life was written in the first century within a matter of decades of the events recorded. This, and the other gospel accounts written by Matthew, Mark and Luke, have come to us completely unchanged. The story of this life is not a myth or a legend – it is a historical fact. It is astonishing and it is supernatural, yes, but it is true.

It is John who tells us that the One who lay in the manger was God. The divine trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit were involved in sending the Lord Jesus Christ to earth. This was no ordinary baby, He was the Son of God!

She will bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”

Matthew 1:21, the bible

Matthew tells us why He came. As every good school nativity play records, the angel announced to Joseph that the child should be called Jesus, which means ‘the Lord saves’ because “He will save His people from their sins.”

This is largely forgotten in the Christmas story today. Unless, of course you listen carefully to the words of the traditional Christmas carols.

How silently, how silently,
the wondrous gift is giv’n!
So God imparts to human hearts
the blessings of the heav’ns.
No ear may hear his coming,
but in this world of sin,
where meek souls will receive him still
the dear Christ enters in.

o little town of bethlehem, Phillips Brooks

The story of the first Christmas leads inexorably to the story of Easter, the death burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. It was why He came. And it is why the Christmas story is still worth remembering today and every day.

Drive-In Meetings Move to Halbeath

We are delighted to have been given permission by Fife Council and the relevant authorities to move the drive-in gospel meetings to the park-and-ride car park at Halbeath, Dunfermline. For details see the flyer below.

COVID-19 Sunday School Update

We want to give you a brief update on our plans in relation to Sunday school during this difficult period. Firstly, we would like to take this opportunity to say that we hope that you and your family and our community remain safe through this period, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Unfortunately, given the revised advice from the Government, we are going to have to stop Sunday School early this year. Therefore, last Sunday i.e. 15th of March will have been our last Sunday School for this season. We will not have a trip this year and we are going to have to postpone the prize giving until next season God willing.

We are so sorry to have to take this decision but as I am sure all will understand, the safety of our children and the wider community has to take priority in this situation.

Benarty Gala Day

Fantastic day at the Benarty Gala today. Many thanks to the Benarty Events Group for a superbly organised event – as always! Thanks too to everyone who dropped by our stand for a chat – nearly 1000 of our re-usable John 3:16 bags given away today.

Remember you don’t need to wait til next year to see us again, you can always pop in any Sunday Night at the Gospel Hall for our evening service at 6.30pm.

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