Please note that some of these videos link to external sites and you may see suggestions for viewing at the end of the video that you think inappropriate. I’m sorry, we do not have control over these but please bear in mind that these are targeted individually at you based on what Google (who own YouTube) think you may like to see.
The entrance of thy words giveth light
Psalm 119:130
To reduce the time it takes to load this page we have moved a number of Bible teaching videos to separate pages grouped by subject. Just place your cursor over the Media option on the menu bar above, then over Videos – you should now be able to see the subject options to select from.
Gospel and One-Off Meetings

Unfortunately a technical problem meant that David’s gospel message is not available to all viewers on Periscope. Here it is for those who missed it.
We had a few technical issues with the Gospel broadcast on Sunday night, which means that the version available on our Periscope site is incomplete. Here is an edited version that we have uploaded to YouTube.