Witnessing to Jesus Christ in the Benarty Community

Tag: Tabernacle

Tabernacle in the Wilderness Series

Internal ViewCraig’s series of meetings on the Tabernacle was exceptionally well attended but if you missed any of the nights you can catch up thanks to Alan Lockhart’s Treasury of Bible Teaching website. Many thanks to Alan for making this available.

The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

For anyone with an interest in getting a deeper understanding of the Word of God, you are very welcome to join us any Friday night over the next few weeks at 8pm where Craig Munro will be looking at the subject of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness as recorded in the latter part of the book of Exodus.

For full details of the meetings please refer to our diary. If you open up the link and then click on any of the Friday night meetings you will get full details of the subjects being taken up on each night.


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