Witnessing to Jesus Christ in the Benarty Community

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Auditorium of Rothes Halls

Conference 2024

Thanks to all who joined us for our conference at the Rothes Halls on the last day of 2024. It was a great encouragement to the assembly at Glencraig to see the auditorium packed out and for the encouraging and challenging ministry received. We pray that it will also have been a blessing to all who joined us.

Recordings are available on our audio recordings page.

Every blessing for 2025.

Gospel Meetings in the ‘Tute

From Wednesday 21st February – 13th March, we plan to hold a Gospel Meeting in the Lochore Miners Welfare Institute on 4 Wednesday nights at 7:30pm each night.

The speakers will be Craig Munro and Stephen Graham. Everyone is really welcome to join us at these meetings. Come and hear about God’s great way of salvation.

Tent Meetings Start Soon

Following recent relaxation in the covid restrictions in Scotland we plan, God willing, to be able to conduct some gospel meetings in the tent over this summer.

This is a new tent which is considerably larger than the previous one we had giving plenty of scope for social distancing. The tent has been pitched in its ‘usual’ position at The Whins, Nether Milton, Off Park Street, Crosshill KY5 8BH. The speakers will be Mr Craig Munro & Mr Jack Hay. Everyone will be made very welcome.

Sunday 8th August at 4pm
Monday 9th – Thursday 12th August at 7.30pm
Sunday 15th August at 4pm
Monday 16th – Thursday 19th August at 7.30pm

Please note that the drive-in meetings at Lochore Meadows will not take place on the two Sundays of the tent meetings.

Move to YouTube

At the end of last year those of you using the Periscope app to access our Gospel broadcasts will have started to receive a note that the app will be discontinued from the end of March 2021. So far as we know, all of our previous videos will remain available at www.pscp.tv/GlencraigGH. Future broadcasts from Sunday 24 January 2021 will, God willing, be broadcast via our YouTube Live channel. You should be able to access this at www.youtube.com/channel/UC0zBqOmSnnsCjKIRgd9e7SQ/live.

Virtual Bible Teaching Meeting

As many of the friends of Glencraig Gospel Hall will be aware, we would normally have a conference for Bible teaching on the last day of the year. In recent years this has been held in the Rothes Halls in Glenrothes. Naturally, this year we are unable to hold this long-standing event. Instead, we held a virtual Bible teaching meeting using the Periscope app. If you missed the live broadcast you are very welcome to catch up on our Periscope channel.

Drive-In Meetings to Continue at New Time of 4pm

Please note that, Lord willing, we plan to extend the Sunday night drive-in meetings through the month of October at the same venue, Lochore Meadows Country Park. As a concession to the darker evenings, however, we will be moving to an earlier starting time of 4pm. All other details remain as before.


For access details, you can find us on Google Maps using the embedded map below. Thanks to whoever has added this.

Drive-In Cancelled – 25 August

Due to the atrocious weather of storm Francis we have decided to cancel the drive in meeting tonight (Tuesday, 25 August). We hope to be back tomorrow night at 7.30 pm, God willing. If there is any alteration to this we will put an update here and on our Facebook site. Please spread the Word!

COVID-19 Update

The Christians who meet at the Gospel Hall in Glencraig regret to announce that in accordance with the latest Government guidance on social distancing, our public meetings are suspended until further notice.

In order to continue to support our community, it is our intention, God willing, to broadcast a regular gospel message via the Periscope app at 6.30pm every Sunday evening. If you would like to see this please download the Periscope app on your phone and follow @GlencraigGH. If you don’t have a smartphone you can follow this link to access our Periscope site on the Web.

If you need to get in touch with us during this period, please use the contact details in the Contact Us section of this site.

Conference 2018

Thanks to all who joined us for our annual conference at the Rothes Halls on 31 December and those who came back to the Gospel Hall in Glencraig afterwards.

Here is a little reminder of the singing after supper:

Gospel Meetings Continue

The gospel tent has now been taken down – but the meetings will continue for one further week, God Willing. Craig Munro and Jack Hay will preach the gospel every night in the Gospel Hall at Main Street, Glencraig. If you haven’t been with us before, the hall is located just before the entrance to Lochore Meadows Country Park as you come from Lochgelly. Meeting times are unchanged, 8.00 – 8.45pm every night Sunday to Thursday. See you there!

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